home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [TranslateInfo]
- Message=English Traduction by %s - %s
- Author=Faber
- AuthorEMail=faber@faberbox.com
- [General]
- DetailsOf=Details of %s
- ShellMenuName=Details...
- SelectFile=Select File(s)
- FileNotFound=File Not Found:\n%s
- [ControlMenu]
- Dipendences=&Dipendences
- AutoRun=&AutoRun
- ExamineFile=Examine &File
- ProgramAliases=P&rogram Aliases
- WindowsExplorer=&Windows Explorer
- Run=R&un ...
- [WindowsMenu]
- Cascade=Ca&scade
- TileHor=&Tile Horizontally
- TileVer=Tile V&ertically
- Arrange=A&rrange Icons
- CloseWin=&Close
- CloseAll=Close &All
- MinimizeAll=Mini&mize All
- MaximizeAll=Ma&ximize All
- [InfoMenu]
- License=Lic&ense
- Features=&Features
- CheckUpdate=&Check for Update...
- About=&About
- [frmConfigurations]
- MainCaption=Configurations
- fraContainer(0)=
- fraContainer(1)=
- chkUseSendMessageTimeout=Use &Timeout
- chkShowGrid=Show g&rid in lists
- tbsTabStrip(1)=G&eneral
- tbsTabStrip(2)=File A&ssociations
- lvwFileAss(1)=Extension
- lvwFileAss(2)=Description
- cmdAnnulla=C&ancel
- cmdOk=&Ok
- lblSeconds=Se&conds
- lblLanguage=Lan&guage
- [frmConfigurations Messages]
- SecondsNumeric=Seconds value must be numeric!
- LanguageChanged=You need to restart Faber Toys to apply language changes
- [frmMain]
- MainCaption=Faber Toys
- tlbToolBar(1)=
- tlbToolBar(2)=Refresh
- tlbToolBar(3)=
- tlbToolBar(4)=Properties
- tlbToolBar(5)=Details ...
- tlbToolBar(6)=
- tlbToolBar(7)=
- tlbToolBar(8)=Save
- tlbToolBar(10)=Control
- tlbToolBar(1).ToolTipText=
- tlbToolBar(2).ToolTipText=Refresh
- tlbToolBar(3).ToolTipText=
- tlbToolBar(4).ToolTipText=Properties
- tlbToolBar(5).ToolTipText=Details ...
- tlbToolBar(6).ToolTipText=
- tlbToolBar(7).ToolTipText=
- tlbToolBar(8).ToolTipText=Save
- tlbToolBar(10).ToolTipText=
- mnuFile=&File
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuConfigurations=&Settings
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuInfo=&Info
- [MainForm]
- MainCaption=Dipendences
- fraProcessi=Processes
- lvwProcessi(1)=Path
- lvwProcessi(2)=Threads
- lvwProcessi(3)=Priority
- lvwProcessi(4)=Version
- lvwProcessi(5)=Description
- lvwProcessi(6)=Parent
- fraModuli=Modules
- lvwModuli(1)=Name
- lvwModuli(2)=Date
- lvwModuli(3)=Size
- lvwModuli(4)=ActiveX
- lvwModuli(5)=Version
- lvwModuli(6)=Description
- fraEsclusi=Excluded
- mnuPopupLW=&File
- mnuRefresh=&Refresh
- mnuOpenDirectory=Open Director&y
- mnuCopy=&Copy
- mnuCopyPath=P&ath in Clipboard
- mnuCopyShortPath=Sho&rt Path (8.3 DOS) in Clipboard
- mnuCopyFiles=&File in Clipboard
- mnuCopyInto=Selected Mo&dules into...
- mnuProperties=Proper&ties
- mnuDettagli=&Details
- mnuTerminaProcesso=Terminate Proce&ss
- mnuSetPriority=Set Pri&ority
- mnuSave=Sa&ve
- mnuDelModules=Exc&lude
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuControl=Cont&rol
- mnuConfigura=&Settings
- mnuShowFullModulePath=&Show full path
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuWindows=&Windows
- mnuInfo=&Info
- [MainForm Messages]
- Terminate=Terminate
- Path=Path
- NoElement=No Item selected!
- SelectDirectory=Select the destination directory
- SelectDestination=Select path and name of destination file
- EndExport=Saving Done. Open file?
- PriorityFailed=Failed to apply new Priority
- KernelWarning=Warning! Terminating Kernel32.dll\nwill cause an unstable system!\n\nContinue?
- ********** KillQuestion=Terminate %s?
- DifferenceFound=%s it's different from the file\nof the same name that is in directory.\n\nDIFFERENCES:
- VersionDifferent=Destination File's Version: %s\nOrigin File's Version: %s
- DimensionDifferent=Destination File's Size: %s\nOrigin File's Size: %s
- ReplaceQuest=Replace?
- DipendencesOf=Dipendences of %s
- NoModules=No Loaded Modules
- ProcessRunning=%s Processes running
- LastRefresh=Last Refresh:
- OneModule=%s Module loaded by %s
- MoreModules=%s Modules loaded by %s
- TerminateCaption=Terminate Process
- TerminateMessage=You can:\n\n- Close all windows belonging to the Process, then kill it\n- Terminate directly the Process\n- Cancel the operation
- TerminateCloseWindows=&Close && Kill
- TerminateKillProcess=&Terminate
- [frmPriority]
- MainCaption=Set Priority
- cmdAnnulla=C&ancel
- cmdOk=&Ok
- [frmPriority Messages]
- PriorityOf=Priority of %s Process
- SelectPriority=Select new priority\nor press Cancel
- ** [frmTerminateProcess]
- ** MainCaption=Terminate Process
- ** lblMessage=You can:\n\n- Close all windows belonging to the Process, then kill it\n- Terminate directly the Process\n- Cancel the operation
- ** cmdCloseWindows=&Close windows and kill it
- ** cmdTerminateProcess=&Terminate Process
- ** cmdCancel=C&ancel
- [frmPEInfo]
- MainCaption=Working...
- lvwImpFunctions(1)=Ordinal
- lvwImpFunctions(2)=Name
- lvwImpFunctions(3)=Hint
- lvwExports(1)=Ordinal
- lvwExports(2)=Name
- lvwExports(3)=Hint
- lvwInfo(1)=Description
- lvwInfo(2)=Value
- lvwSections(1)=Name
- lvwSections(2)=Description
- lvwSections(3)=Size
- lvwProprieta(1)=Date
- lvwProprieta(2)=Size
- lvwProprieta(3)=ActiveX
- lvwProprieta(4)=Version
- lvwProprieta(5)=Description
- lblImpFunc=No Imported Functions
- lblImpModules=No Imported Module
- lblSects=Sections
- lblInfo=Image Info
- lblExp=No Exported Function
- mnuFile=&File
- mnuProperties=P&roperties
- mnuSave=&Save
- mnuFindFunction=Fin&d Function
- mnuChiudi=&Close
- mnuRecentFiles=Recent &Files
- mnuClearPEHistory=&Clear History
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuControl=Cont&rol
- mnuConfigurations=&Settings
- mnuUnDecorated=Show Exported Functions Un&Decorated
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuWindows=&Windows
- mnuInfo=&Info
- [frmPEInfo Messages]
- NoFuncExp=No Exported Function
- OneFuncExp=%s Exported Function
- MoreFuncExp=%s Exported Functions
- NoModImp=No Imported Module
- OneModImp=%s Imported Module
- MoreModImp=%s Imported Modules
- NoFuncImp=No Imported Function
- OneFuncImp=%s Imported Function
- MoreFuncImp=%s Imported Functions
- FindFunction=Function to search in file %s:
- NoFunctionFound=Function %s not found
- SelectDestination=Select path and name of destination file
- EndExport=Saving Done. Open file?
- DetailsOf=Details of %s
- SavingExpFunc=Saving Exported Functions...
- ImpFunc=%s from %s
- SavingImpFunc=Saving Functions Imported by %s
- DeleteHistoryQuestion=Clear the History?
- [frmEsecuzioneAutomatica]
- MainCaption=AutoRun
- lvwAutomatici(1)=Name
- lvwAutomatici(2)=Origin
- lvwAutomatici(3)=Path
- lvwAutomatici(4)=Description
- lvwAutomatici(5)=Running
- lvwCancellati(1)=Name
- lvwCancellati(2)=Origin
- lvwCancellati(3)=Path
- lvwCancellati(4)=Description
- lvwCancellati(5)=Running
- lvwCancellati(6)=FileName
- lblValoreCancellato=Value:
- lblValoreAutomatico=Value:
- mnuFile=&File
- mnuRefresh=&Refresh
- mnuGoTo=&Go To ...
- mnuRipristina=Re&store
- mnuElimina=De&lete
- mnuProperties=Proper&ties
- mnuDettagli=&Details
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuControl=Cont&rol
- mnuConfigura=&Settings
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuWindows=&Windows
- mnuInfo=&Info
- [frmEsecuzioneAutomatica Messages]
- Delete=Delete...
- NoItemSelected=No item selected!
- DelRegAutoAsk=Delete selected registry key?
- DelRegAutoInfo=Deleted registry key\nare saved as .reg file in\n%s
- DelRegAutoError=Error deleting key
- DelLinkAutoAsk=Move selected file from AutoRun?
- DelLinkAutoInfo=Deleted links are saved in\n%s
- FileNotFound=File Not Found\n%s
- DelRegCanc=Delete reg file?
- DelLinkCanc=Delete selected file?
- [frmWindowExplorer]
- MainCaption=Windows Explorer
- fraWinProperties=Properties
- fraPosizione=Position
- cmdRefresh=Re&fresh
- cmdSegna=Mar&k
- cmdSetPos=Se&t Pos
- lblStato=State:
- lblHeight=Hei&ght:
- lblWidth=Widt&h:
- lblTop=To&p:
- lblLeft=&Left:
- cmdChiudi=&Close
- lblClass=Cl&ass:
- lblText=Te&xt:
- lblhWnd=h&Wnd:
- mnuFile=&File
- mnuRefresh=&Refresh
- mnuExpandAll=E&xpand All
- mnuComprimiAll=Collap&se All
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuControl=Cont&rol
- mnuConfigurations=&Settings
- mnuOnlyVisibles=&Show only Visibles
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuWindows=&Windows
- mnuInfo=&Info
- [frmWindowExplorer Messages]
- Normal=Normal
- Minimized=Minimized
- Maximized=Maximized
- CloseWindow=Close selected window?\n(action can't be undone)
- NumericValue=Insert a numeric value!
- LoadingWin=" - Loading Windows..."
- SetTopLevel=Set window as Top-Level?
- MoveWindow=Move selected window?
- InvalidOperation=Invalid Operation
- Visibles=Visible
- NWindows=%s %s Windows
- NoProperties=No Properties available
- InvalidWindow=Invalid Window
- PropertiesOf=Properties of %s
- SonOf=Son of %s
- Of=%s of %s
- [frmProgramAliases]
- MainCaption=Program Aliases
- chkModifica=Edit &Alias
- cmdSalva=Sa&ve
- cmdElimina=D&elete
- cmdNuovo=&New...
- lvwAlias(1)=Alias
- lvwAlias(2)=Path
- lvwAlias(3)=Description
- lblDirectory=Working &Directory
- lblNomeAlias=Alias Na&me
- lblPercorso=Pa&th
- mnuPopupLW=&File
- mnuRefresh=&Refresh
- mnuRun=R&un
- mnuProperties=Proper&ties
- mnuDettagli=&Details
- mnuElimina=De&lete
- mnuQuit=&Exit
- mnuControl=Cont&rol
- mnuConfigura=&Settings
- mnuOptions=Op&tions
- mnuWindows=&Windows
- mnuInfo=&Info
- mnuChooseFile=File
- mnuChooseDirectory=Directory
- [frmProgramAliases Messages]
- CancelCapt=C&ancel
- EditCapt=Edit &Alias
- BrowseCapt=&Browse...
- NewCapt=&New...
- AliasDel=Delete '%s' Alias?
- AliasDelDir=Deleted registry keys will be saved in\n%s
- NewCaption=%s Aliases
- NoAlias=No Aliases
- ErrorDeleting=Error deleting Key
- CorrectAlias=Please define a correct alias!
- AliasExists=The %s alias already exists.\nPlease define another one!
- ExeAlias=Alias name must end with '.exe'\nAppend '.exe' at the end?
- SavePrompt=Save changes?
- ErrorKey=Error creating selected Key
- ErrorValue=Error setting Key value
- ErrorDeletingKey=Error deleting %s Key
- CaptionLoading=Alias %s of %s: %s
- NAlias=%s Alias
- NoAlias=No Alias
- SelectDirectory=Select directory
- SelectFile=Select file